What is Autoblogging?

The article was last updated by verifiedtasks on May 2, 2024.

Curious about Autoblogging and its benefits for your website or blog?

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the details of Autoblogging, including its workings, advantages, risks, types, and setup process.

We will also discuss the legality of Autoblogging and offer tips on avoiding potential legal issues.

If you’re interested in learning more about this automated content creation strategy, continue reading!

What is Autoblogging?

Autoblogging is an automated type of blogging where a blog can write content itself using software. Autoblogging works by using video, image, RSS feed, or Big Content techniques to automatically generate or aggregate written content. Autoblogging is useful for addressing a shortage of human bloggers and generating more frequent content. Big content provides helpful background information and content that the autoblogging website can summarize in a briefer manner better suited for such content. This is useful for creating valuable content that pleases the readers.

How Does Autoblogging Work?

Autoblogging works through data scraping techniques to harvest, organize, and syndicate online content, producing usually low-quality automated posts, articles, or updates on blogs or websites. Many autoblogging tools use RSS feeds of other websites, news platforms, or blogs to scrape content from. Autoblogging software then organizes and publishes this scraped content automatically, requiring as little as minimal user input as setting up a profile and then letting it do the work.

What Are The Benefits of Autoblogging?

The benefits of autoblogging include being able to quickly create and share large quantities of content, save time on managing a blog or website, automate affiliate offers, generate passive income, post content to multiple WordPress and social media accounts simultaneously, and reduce the likelihood of a blogging server crash.

In addition, some popular autoblogging plugins provide metrics, analytics, alerts, and recommendations for your blog/website performance, SEO rankings, etc.

Saves Time and Effort

Autoblogging saves time and effort to find article topics, create informative well-researched articles, maintain content schedules, and make sure not to miss the optimal time for article posting in your target time zone. Autoblogging tools can generate multiple posts at a time, modifying enough content so that when the posts automatically publish, they are not the same as another post published within the same hour by the same blog.

Increases Content Output

Many news and bloggers increase their publication frequency by leveraging autoblogging. Autoblogging tools such as Zapier, Integromat, Adequate CrossPosting, and WP-AutoPublisher allow a user to deliver a final version of a blog directly from their Google Sheets, Dropbox Paper, Facebook Pages and Groups, Medium Blog posts, Evernote, Salesforce, Reddit, YouTube, Twitch, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, Django Reddit, Medium, Twitch, YouTube, Spotify, Feedly, Kickstarter, SoundCloud, AudioVerse, or other apps to their blog.

Auto scheduling of mailing lists and newsletters is an additional feature which can provide even wider coverage of the blog content. Increased output is suggested but not guaranteed because the trade-off is always that quality guidelines are and should remain a higher priority than simply publishing faster. Zenkit conducted a survey which found that 59% of companies surveyed publish content systematically.

Echobox conducted a survey and found that the more frequently a publisher posts per day, the more unique articles convert into unique page views. While high-frequency posting increases these rates until they max around 100 posts per day, it tapers off and unique page views per post actually decrease when suggesting roughly the equivalent of autoblogging. Unique page views are plotted in Figure 3 by day and the x-axis represents the number of posts made each day. Note that this chart from the Echobox conventions website is not numbered on the y-axis, but the units are in the thousands. There is no certainty that identical posts on different days will produce the same analytics. Any differences might be due to many factors including time of year, what viewers have seen previously, the timing of posts to coincide with major news of the day or interest evenings, etc.

Improves SEO

Autoblogging contributes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by providing a way to keep blog pages updated and fresh, which search engine algorithms reward with increased discoverability.

In the hands of a skilled blogger, it can result in an increase in a blog’s domain authority if not overused. Best practices are to use autoblogging as a tool to help with the creation and sharing of a well-run blog and not as a replacement for a blog team. Ultimately, the expanded blog content that an autoblogging tool helps create must be managed for quality posts, SEO goals, and overall goal success.

Generates Passive Income

Passive income is a method of making money with little or no effort after the initial setup. Autoblogging can generate passive income by allowing for automated monetization through advertisements or selling products. Users can set up autoblog software to run automatically and generate income while they’re doing something else, such as sleeping or watching TV. The income earned from the blog will not end in case a person stops running it.

What Are The Risks of Autoblogging?

There are three main risks to autoblogging:

  1. Plagiarism. Poorly programmed autoblog bots can copy entire articles or pages and repost them to make them look like their own content.
  2. Malvertising. Bots within autoblogs can be infected with malware (malicious software) which allows them to infect any user who clicks on the blog. The malware could steal personal information from the user or damage their computer.
  3. SEO penalization. While there are legitimate autobloggers who manually create their blogs, most individuals and large companies using autoblogging rely solely on outdated autoblog software. This frequently places the autoblogs or the associated websites in violation of search engines’ best practices, risking penalties and removal for widespread infringements.

While the risks of plagiarism and malvertising within autoblogs can be avoided by conscientious monitoring and supervision of the patterns from which the blog content is created, it is unclear if the SEO penalties for most autoblogs are a fixable problem.

Duplicate Content Issues

Duplicate content issues arise when the same blog post is found on multiple different websites. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) released a report that shows duplicated content can have an adverse effect on how well a site appears in search engine results. While the site may not be directly penalized for using autoblogged or mass content posts, the other sites it is duplicated with may be ranking them higher.

Lack of Personalization

Autoblogging tends to lack personalization characteristics due to almost every component of these sites being automated. Autoblogs have gained a reputation for having poor user experiences and lacking unique, personalized ways of speaking with customers. Autoblogging tools allow for semi-automatic conversions into blog posts. Tools such as Republish, Jetpack, IFTTT (If This, Then That), and Zapier can turn blog posts into email newsletters and ebooks, auto-tweet blog posts, share newly posted blog items via social media, or share new articles from multiple sites daily.

Potential for Low-Quality Content

The degree of potentially low-quality content is the most heavily debated characteristic of autocreated blogs. The opposite of Completely Automated Public Turing-test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), Robotted Content Only Totally Corrupted Content Annoys (ROTCATCA) is defined by the urbandictionary.com site. This is described as content created by robots or algorythms (e.g. weather reports, and most particularly Sports statistics) that no one wants or needs. From the hamlet of Katrina, Mississippi to the murder rate in Logan Square. ROTCATCA was a controversial employment of Natural Language Processing by Open AI copilot in August 2021. Although these debates are common, there is no clear or generally accepted measure of which types of blogging are ROTCATCA, dangerous or potentially dangerous forms of fake news, or valid scientific and industrial applications of autoblogging.

Common aspects of autoblogging that are linked to low-quality content are spam blogs, content filling blogs, and machine generated blogs. Machines do not always understand tone, audience, sarcasm, correct words or sentences, and personalize the content of articles to better fit online personas. Some autogeneration of internet content does not operate with any form of Quality Assurance and are much more likely to end up being tota information of no help or hinderances. The Imitation Game film (2014) illustrates the challenge of measuring true or false low-quality imbroglio content.

What Are The Types of Autoblogging?

The types of autoblogging include RSS-to-Content blogging, encapsulated webpage blog posting, content-refresh blogging, and PTR to content blogging. RSS-to-Content blogging spreads published content to blogs through specially designed software tools that allow for the nearly automated loading of articles and infographics onto blogs from existing RSS feeds on other websites or platforms. Encapsulated page blogs scrape full webpages, design them to look like informational blog posts, make one or more speculative changes, and paste the now false articles onto websites. They often use text spinning to avoid detecting them as false data by search engines.

Content blog refreshing spreads on old blog articles and refreshes their content, effectively making new blog posts. This generates new posts on blog websites with an old article’s address, search engine data history, and already existing backlinks. PTR- (Purposely Thinly Represented Content) to Content blogging. Before adding the desired themes and keywords later, start with the main blog or news page that is used to publish content or PTR software tools post and maintain thin, or low qualitative, content based on existing RSS feeds. los Coulson in his book entitled Careful by the Content Autopilbox pointed out that the hybrid of this model with other autoblogging mechanisms creates partially automated procedures to fulfill marketing campaigns.

RSS Autoblogging

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, depending on the source) is a web feed system that provides regularly updated entries of stories, blog posts, etc. in a standardized format. There are a variety of ways of obtaining these feeds, including news websites, most blogs, and content management systems like WordPress.

The technology is a method of syndication, implying that the latest feed is continually updated on the reader’s side. Autoblogging with RSS takes advantage of this utility, importing all or part of one or more feeds into a single blog site. This process is automatic (hence the name), and these feeds are presented as aggregated content to the readers of the autoblog.

A standard way of using autoblogging is to present aggregated content from RSS subscription feeds alongside original site-specific content. According to a posting by digital marketing agency WestHost, Having already established your own unique traffic, filling in the left-hand sidebar or footer of your blog with news and updates from other spots you hang out makes for some pretty easy content, and can give your main page some required freshness too. One could cite Drudge Report as an example of a massive and successful point-and-click news aggregation site from a user-friendly Web 1.0 era that is essentially an auto-blog.

Content Curation Autoblogging

Content Curation Autoblogging is an approach where an automblogger pulls together articles from around the web that are related to a topic the autoblogger is interested in, integrates them into a new article with original content, and then reposts this on their blog or web pages. A good summary was written by Julia McCoy from SEO Specialist label when she explained that content curation must contain every from original content: Content curation + Original content + Proper permission management.

Automated Content Creation Autoblogging

The terms autoblogging and automated content creation are synonyms. They refer to the process of creating content, including text, images, and slides, and any other media-related to the content that is done using AI and machine learning.

The key difference between the term uses relates to their connotative characteristics. Automated content creation refers to the process of creating content using AI, which points to a user’s effort to contribute to the quality of the content. Autoblogging refers to content created by automated content creation and is thus automated blogging by a mechanical process.

How To Set Up An Autoblog?

You can set up an autoblog by following these steps.

  1. Purchase a domain name and hosting plan for your blog.
  2. Install WordPress software on your website (most hosting providers have a 1-click install feature).
  3. Select and install an autoblogging plugin like WPeMatico, WP RSS Aggregator, Autoblog, Amazon Auto Links, etc.
  4. Set up the autoblogging plugin. This means usually entering the URL or feed name of the desired RSS news feed into the plugin. Make any preferences selections such as categories keyword or content scrubbing. Choose how often you want the feeds to update.
  5. Make any final customizations of your blog, such as the theme and organization of your site.
  6. Choose your blog’s performance levels, such as SEO and monetization strategy.
  7. Launch your blog.

Choose a Niche and Platform

Choosing the right niche and platform are the first 2 steps to start. The proper niche will be one where competition is relatively low. Some bloggers note that having too competitive of a niche will show that the content is not original, and the user might as well go directly to another site.

Some of the best-performing niches for auto blogging include Amazing Animals, History Facts, and Crazy News Websites according to a post by blog-das-impressoes. Picking a niche with potentially high organic search results can set a blog up for success. A general niche with great traffic but high competition is the Motivation niche. To find a niche, a blogger should write 10-30 things they are interested in. The more interested and knowledgeable the blogger, the better, writes Brandon Gaille.

The choice of platform is also important. Blogs can be spread across multiple blog platforms and content management systems such as WordPress, Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace. WordPress is the most popular platform. Only a domain and hosting plan is required to get started. Blogger by Google also offers an easy start-up option as a part of the Google Suite of services. Wix and Squarespace are drag and drop website builders. Choosing a paid plan with minimal advertising is recommended.

Find and Set Up Autoblogging Tools

There are multiple autoblogging tools available to use, all with varying degrees of features, cost, and ease of use. Once you have chosen your platform and edition, the steps for each of the Autoblogging tools’ basic configurations are as follows.

Autoblogging with WordPress using WP RSS Aggregator: After installing the plugin, an Autoblogging page will open where you need to validate your license and click Activate. Choose the feed source you want to set up (RSS, Atom, YouTube, and Vimeo feeds). Create and save the feed source. Customize and schedule the source. Save changes. Test that you are happy with how the source imports feeds, and verify that they fit your source URL’s and tags of choice.

Autoblogging with SEO Content Machine: You can download the software. You need to set up the content sources you want to feed for the autoblog machine by typing in keywords. Choose from available posts/ articles and press ‘export to blog’. Suggest choosing a different ‘job’ name to distinguish between blogs.

Autoblogging with WP Automatic Plugin (WordPress): Purchase, download, and install the WP Automatic Plugin from CodeCanyon. Go to the Plugins tab in the WP admin panel, activate the plugin and enter the purchase code. Configure the plugin, schedule excerpts, choose tags and categories, and adjust bit cache settings. Test your configuration and start full publications.

Customize and Optimize Your Autoblog

You have the ability to customize look-and-feel and layout elements, add custom fields, and embed almost any type of media from other services such as YouTube and Twitter. You can change the look and feel as often as you wish without worrying about losing the content or breaking scripts. This content will continue to be indexed and increased and even help start a new blog if you so choose.

Optimization is key to taking advantage of future traffic, as Google responds the AI related keywords quicker than any human-written counterparts. Companies have shown that autoblogging AI Performer artical results appear to actually be more reliable than human pages, generating more shares, better SEO, and more traffic.

Customize production distribution features as you see fit. If you want to connect with local twitter feeds, do it. If you want to schedule posts every day for a month simply setup the WordPress Autoblog Via WP RSS Aggregator plugin or create a proper Google Alert schedule. You can link to your own sites, link out to other sites in a related area, or set up video and other media feeds.

Is Autoblogging Legal?

Yes and no, depending on the implementation of autoblogging. Lawyers have not yet defined autoblogging itself, and it really has not come under any regulatory scrutiny. The main reason for many traditional publishing business apprehensiveness about autoblogging is the penalty for duplicate content, which in the past has been an organic visibility loss. However, autoblogging will maintain legitimacy if it can produce original and unique content.

Ways that autoblogging will continue to be legal and legitimate include the usage of content generators or writing services that produce entirely unique articles or articles that only borrow small percentages of verbiage from other published work. In the spirit of the automatized web, tools will need to be developed that cover all website-building functions in order to enable autoblogging to become the prevalent style of web publication, maintain its legal status and contribute to successful content syndication.

Given there are over 1 billion websites and 7.9 billion people on the planet, the ratio of websites to the human populace is such that the human-generated web exponentially far outpaces the organic growth of the internet. Autoblogging is essential for the proliferation of the Human Grassroots Web and for the filtering through the billions of undeveloped digital ideas to the masses.

How To Avoid Legal Issues With Autoblogging?

To avoid legal issues with autoblogging, follow these simples steps:

  1. Use only allowed sources. Use only allowed sources, like websites with public RSS feeds, because site scraping and content copying is illegal even from low-quality sites.
  2. Attribute the source correctly. This means that viewers know where the blog is getting its information they are reading about.

These methods are not legally foolproof but significantly help in covering the most commonly faced problems in autoblogging law.


Autoblogging is a content aggregation method that curates published content from around the internet based on parameters such as keywords, RSS feeds, phrases, or combinations of these into automated blog posts. Automated content is supplemented with original material and published through the use of a CMS or via direct upload to a web server. Autoblogging is commonly employed for SEO purposes despite negative SEO implications and can be targeted by web scrapers as a source of content aggregation themselves.

Web scraping makes content curation with minimal additional input more feasible. Autoblogging is referred to interchangeably with words such as Content Syndication, Content Spinning, Content Curation, Content Feeding, and Content Seeding. Richer multimedia autoblogging is referred to as Video Blogging (also Vlogging).

Autoblogging allows developers to implement efficient content curation with minimal manual intervention, provided ethically. The practice enables both content consumers to organically happen upon more relevant content and content producers to expand the reach and scale of their content distribution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Autoblogging?

Autoblogging refers to the process of automatically publishing content on a website or blog without any manual effort from the owner. This is done through the use of specialized software or plugins that pull content from various sources and publish it on the website.

How does Autoblogging work?

Autoblogging works by using RSS feeds or APIs to fetch content from other websites and automatically publish it on the designated blog. The software or plugin used for autoblogging can be customized to select specific types of content, such as articles, images, videos, etc.

Is Autoblogging legal?

The legality of Autoblogging is a subject of debate. While there are no specific laws against it, using copyrighted content without permission can lead to legal issues. It is important to only use content that is allowed to be syndicated or shared.

What are the benefits of Autoblogging?

Autoblogging can save website owners time and effort by automatically publishing content. It can also help in increasing website traffic and SEO ranking by regularly updating the blog with fresh content. Additionally, it can be a source of passive income through affiliate marketing and ads.

Are there any downsides to Autoblogging?

One of the main downsides of Autoblogging is that the content may not always be of high quality or relevant to the website’s niche. This can lead to a decrease in user engagement and credibility. Additionally, it can also be seen as a form of content scraping, which is frowned upon by search engines.

What are some tips for successful Autoblogging?

To be successful with Autoblogging, it is important to carefully select sources for content and regularly monitor and update the content being published. It is also important to properly attribute and link back to the original source to avoid any copyright issues. Additionally, regularly sharing original content and engaging with readers can help maintain a loyal audience.

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